A waiters job is never easy. Handling and managing a tray is a delicate act of balance.

Your job is it to transport a carafe to the waiting guests without breaking it or your legs. But be careful! Not all guests are patient and will throw objects at you to hinder you at your job.

Earn a lot of money by being the best at your job and compete with other waiters all around the world for the biggest paycheck!

This game was made within 48 hours for Puls Game Jam 2025.

Known Issues:

In some occasions the players hand are being teleported outside of the map. We did not have enough time to fix this bug before submissions closed.

Sometimes if you push the carafe from below while carrying an object on the tablet itself, the carafe can fly out of the playable area. If it is not destroyed, a new carafe is not spawning, softlocking the player.



  • Keyboard A/D 
  • Controller left stick
  • Mouse Left/Right Button ( Mouse need to be enabled in menu)

Hand with tray:

  • Keyboard all Arrow Keys
  • Controller  right stick
  • Mouse moving ( Mouse need to be enabled in menu)

You can open the pause menu with Tab or Escape.


Used Assets:

Sound Effects by freesound_community from Pixabay:

Other Sounds Effects created with jsfxr generator

Music by Lesiakower from Pixabay:


waiting_for_disaster_windows.zip 33 MB
waiting_for_disaster_linux.zip 27 MB

Install instructions

Just download the game version for your operating system and execute it.


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For a while, I was number 1!!!!!!
